Project Parts and Finance

The PDO will be achieved through the following 5 parts:

Part 1: Road Reconstruction and Improvement Carrying out road repair works and undertaking spot improvements to road sector assets affected by TC Pam, including improving the resilience of road sector assets in provinces affected by TC Pam.

Part 2: School Reconstruction & Improvement Reconstruction or rehabilitation or repair or retrofit of schools affected by TC Pam, including improving the resilience of schools in provinces affected by TC Pam.

Part 3: Public Building Reconstruction & Improvement Reconstruction or rehabilitation or improvement or retrofit of selected public buildings affected by TC Pam, including improving the resilience of selected public buildings in provinces affected by TC Pam.

Part 4: Project Implementation & Technical Support. Carrying out a program of activities designed to enhance the capacity of Vanuatu for project management, implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of VIRIP, such program to include the establishment and maintenance of a Project Support Team (PST) to assist in managing VIRIP, and ensure that the World Bank’s fiduciary, safeguards and reporting requirements, including monitoring and evaluation, are met throughout the implementation period.

Part 5: Contingency Emergency Response. This zero-cost component supports preparedness and rapid response to eligible disasters, emergencies, and/or catastrophic events, if needed.  Following the declaration of a disaster or state of emergency, it allows for reallocation of credit and grant proceeds from VIRIP components under streamlined procurement and disbursement procedures, or a mechanism to channel additional funds, should they become available, because of an emergency.

An overview of Project Costing is provided in Table 1 below.

Project Cost and Financing

Note 1:  The cost is based in USD, however the Financing Agreement is denominated in SDR.  Foreign Exchange adjustments will occur throughout the project and will affect the amount of USD available for the project.